We’ve had a wonderful whirlwind of family time. First, all our kids came for Christmas at our house on Saturday the 16th. We packed all our favorite Christmas things—presents, Christmas cookie baking and decorating, and …
It’s Almost Christmas Reading Time
Every year I look forward to November and December, when my reading takes on a seasonal theme. I used to just read Christmas-themed books in December. Then I moved to “after Thanksgiving Day.” Now, I give myself two entire …
Favorite Christmas Reads
While I do love a good Hallmark Christmas movie, I have to confess that I love reading Christmas-themed novels and novellas even more. I’ve read some great ones through the years, so I thought I’d spotlight a few in case you …
Introverts and the Christmas Season
Where are my fellow introverts? I know you’re out there, but you’re probably hunkered down with a blanket over your head. Why do I know? Because I am, too! Christmas party season just wears me out. It’s not even from the …
Advent Reading
This Sunday begins the celebration of Advent. While I don’t go to a church that specifically celebrates Advent, I do enjoy picking an Advent devotional each year to keep me focused on Christ at Christmas. This year I’m …
December Reads
As you can see, my reading time jumped back up once my own book was turned in! Of course some of these are novellas, so much shorter than a novel. However, some are novella collections, which can be longer than a novel! So I …
Merry Christmas
May you and your family rediscover the wonder of Christmas this year--the God who fulfills His promises, who redeems and rescues, who humbled Himself to be clothed in flesh and die on our behalf. May you extend to …
A Christmasy Kind of Thanksgiving
On the years when we have all our kids on Thanksgiving, we also celebrate Christmas. This tradition began because several of us are gift-givers by nature and we didn't want to miss out on the joy of being with people as they …
Christmas Reading Reward
My post from Inspired by Life . . . and Fiction this week: Every year I set aside the time from Thanksgiving week through New Year’s Day to read Christmas-themed novels. It’s one of the ways I enjoy the season. However, …
December Reads
2020 definitely turned into a year of reading for me. December was no exception, even with all the unpacking, decorating, and shopping! Of course they were essentially all Christmas stories, which is always fun. A Log …