As a writer, I often get asked what my favorite book is. My answer is always a resounding, “I can’t pick just one!” The same answer rings true with the question, “What book influenced you to write historical …
Burns Night Supper
So my husband and I did a thing we never in a million years thought we’d do. We hosted a dinner party for twenty in our home. And not just any dinner party, mind you. No, we had a full-on Burns Night Supper! Do …
A Different First Draft
I’ve written many, many first drafts of novels, most of them “by the seat of my pants.” This means I have a story idea but don’t know exactly how it plays out until I write it. However, I have written a few (very few) first …
John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer
My husband often listens to Ferguson Sinclair podcasts. Dr. Sinclair is a Scottish theologian. Recently Jeff told me to listen to a short piece Dr. Sinclair did on John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer, which has been used at New …
Another Boston Trip in the Books
You might notice this post has gone up later in the day than usual for me. That’s because we are heading home from another great trip to Boston and it was a late night last night! But more about that later. Last year, …
New Seasons of British TV
We are huge fans of British TV, mostly for the depth of character in the storytelling. And the accents. And the scenery. Anyway, a whole slew of our shows—almost all of them murder mysteries (which at this moment are not …
Thoughts on the eclipse and God’s glory
We got to see the total eclipse on April 8. It was so much more awe-inspiring than I expected it to be. But as the world turned back to light and I started my short walk home, I started thinking about the brilliance of the …
Total Solar Eclipse!
I don’t know what you are doing on Monday, April 8, but North and Central Texas residents are in a frenzy over the coming total solar eclipse. Since the path runs through Dallas-Ft. Worth and down to Austin, many of our small …
Prince Edward Island
We love traveling to literary places. Way back in the spring, before we knew all the challenges we would face this year, Jeff scheduled our vacation to Prince Edward Island. He picked it for two reasons: First, it would be …
Still Learning: The Great Courses
Jeff and I both lamented the end of our college years. We wished we could stay there forever. Not for the parties or the football games or the lack of real responsibility. No, we wanted to stick around and take more classes. …