Author Editor Reader

Are you looking for Anne Mateer? Guess what? You are in the right place! When I received my first publishing contract in 2010, my publisher asked me to tweak my name. So I did. To avoid confusion, I used Anne not only for my books but also in all of my writing and online life. I now have the opportunity to re-release my previously published book under my given name–and to use my real name on new projects. This has made me so happy! So whether you arrived seeking Anne or D’Ann, I’m glad you are here!
Hi, I’m
While I have been reading and writing for almost my whole life–and editing others for the past 15 years–these are things I do, not who I am. At the core, I am a woman trying to live her life in a manner pleasing to Jesus. Over the years, He has taken an insecure, fearful, sometimes angry girl and has turned her into a more trusting, peaceful, grace-filled woman. I want that woman to be clearly visible online, in person, and in the books I write.
Want a Free Story?
“The Work of His Hands: a novelette”
“Bea wants nothing more than to go to college and learn more about the world God created. Her mother even left money in trust for her to do so. She only wishes her father supported her dream. But when Papa gets into financial trouble in the young town of Fort Worth, Texas, Bea must decide what is more important—her education or her father’s well-being. Can she trust the God of creation to make something beautiful of her life?”
Along with the story you’ll receive my newsletter updates as well.
Quotes from D’Ann’s Books
Book Extras
Discussion questions, behind-the-scenes research, pictures, and inspirations.
Editing Philosophy & Process
Self publishing or submitting a manuscript? I can help you with story issues and writing weaknesses.
Online Classes
I teach two online classes each year, one on writing historical fiction, one on historical research. Both classes are taught in affiliation with Margie Lawson’s Writers Academy.