You might notice this post has gone up later in the day than usual for me. That’s because we are heading home from another great trip to Boston and it was a late night last night! But more about that later. Last year, …
Prince Edward Island
We love traveling to literary places. Way back in the spring, before we knew all the challenges we would face this year, Jeff scheduled our vacation to Prince Edward Island. He picked it for two reasons: First, it would be …
My Fly Fishing Adventure
I went on a new adventure yesterday. The afternoon excursion we chose at our conference was fly fishing. Jeff had done it before. I never had. I was worried as we got into the waders and boots. I kind of felt like i was …
A Quick Trip to Boston
When my husband got asked to speak in Boston I jumped at the chance to tag along. Not only do we love the city, but we love getting to spend time with our daughter who lives there. The trip started with checking in to a …
Artwork from Scotland
One of my dear friends has a home where the walls are filled with beautiful and unusual artwork. I asked her once where she found what she wanted. Most of it, she told me, they purchased on trips. I thought that was such a …
Scotland Trip Recap: Week 1
We are home from Scotland! I know many of you were following along on Facebook or Instagram, but what I posted each day was just a snippet! Today I’ll run through the highlights of the first week. Two weeks from today I’ll …
Off to Scotland!
Tonight we board a plane for London. Friday afternoon in Heathrow Airport, we catch a flight to Edinburgh. We’ve long wanted to do a Scotland trip, but especially after learning several years ago that Jeff’s family did, …
I spent most of this week back in Austin, Texas, where we lived for almost five years. It was a lovely few days seeing new babies born since I moved, enjoying babies who are now very fun pre-schoolers, and talking with people …
Feeding Our History-loving hearts
Jeff and I went to Boston to visit our daughter a couple of weekends ago. Which was so fun. But in spite of all the history in and around Boston, that is not the focus of today’s post! Instead, I want to tell you about the …
Canton, Missouri
I recently took a research trip to Canton, Missouri! Visit Inspired by Life . . . and Fiction to see some pictures and read about the trip! …