You might notice this post has gone up later in the day than usual for me. That’s because we are heading home from another great trip to Boston and it was a late night last night! But more about that later.
Last year, one arm of my husband’s company began offering historical tours to their supporters. These tours focus on things through the lens of our religious freedom, which is the focus of my husband’s job. This was our second such trip to Boston. And Boston, for us never gets old. Likely part of that is due to getting to see our daughter, but truly, we’ve come to love the city as well.
Our first morning, which was a day prior to tour participants arriving, Jeff got us babka at Bakey, which is across the street from Boston Commons. Their almond babka is the stuff or sweet-and-carb-laden dreams. After some time with our daughter, including yummy pizza, we decided the 73 degree day begged to be experienced, so we each took a book to the Boston Public Gardens and read as we enjoyed the weather.
One of the highlights of this Boston tour is always a baseball game at Fenway. This year they weren’t playing our Rangers, so we became Red Sox fans for a day. It wasn’t hard after overhearing a conversation in the row behind us on the airplane about a Texas boy just called up to the Red Sox as a relief pitcher. Even if he still hasn’t officially made his MLB debut on the mound, it was fun to know he could have.
Italian food and seafood are two of our favorite things here, and we especially love eating in the North End, where there are a million Italian restaurants and bakeries to choose from—along with the history of the Old North church and Paul Revere’s house, among other things. Cannoli at Mike’s is always a must for us.
I was so excited to get to tour the USS Constitution for the first time in about ten years. I enjoy imagining what it was like to sail the seas on those old boats, but the most fun thing was walking into the visitors center and seeing Sarah Sundin’s books on prominent display!
We ended our time with a dinner cruise on the Charles River capped off by fireworks.
It will be good to be home but also hard to return to temperatures near triple digits! The 70s and low 80s here have been a dream. But I never mind leaving Boston too much because I always know I’ll be back.
Have you visited Boston before? What is your favorite activity there? Favorite
Lauraine Marcus
I too enjoyed seeing the U.S.S Constitution. But we also visited the Boston common and the “Greens” of Lexington and Concord. The Boston subway was a little scary as it was the first time this Texas implant had been on one! Of Course, I got quite use to them–and the Strassenbahn in Germany.
D'Ann Mateer
I love the commons and the public gardens in Boston. They are lovely. We’ve only been the Lexington and Concord once, but it was when they had people dressed up reenacting part of it! I’d like to go back there. I haven’t done the trains in Boston, but my daughter uses them all the time. Subways do take some getting used to for us Texas folk! 🙂