June has been an interesting reading month for me. It’s been a roller coaster ride from pure adrenaline romantic suspense to based-on-history historical fiction, memoir, and even a children’s book!
Here’s the rundown:
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri
This is a great kids’ story about a boy with nowhere to go taken in by Samir, the Seller of Dreams on his journey across the Spice Road in the 15th century. Of course, they have several fantasical adventures along the way, culminating in a lovely ending. Lots of action and humor along with themes of love and sacrifice and redemption.
The American Queen by Vanessa Miller
I listened to this one. A fascinating story rooted in real history about a group of newly-emancipated slaves who journey to find a place where they can build a community of hard work and mutual respect. They called it The Happy Land and consecrated Luella Bobo Montgomery as Queen of the land. The people not only worked hard, they cared for those who were weaker in their community. A great story of resilience and faith.
The Long March Home by Marcus Brotherton and Tosca Lee
This novel is based on the history of the Bataan Death March, which, I confess, I knew little about. I knew the name but nothing more. However, as I began to read, I realized this could be considered a companion story to the novel When We Had Wings, which I read in April of last year. Both books concern the experience of those in the Phillippines under Japanese occupation during World War II. I’ve now read this from the perspective of nurses and soldiers, and honestly, both were horrific. Thankfully, both books bring this fact home without over-detailing it, but after reading these books I’m amazed any of those soldiers or nurses came home at all, let alone came home with any ability to return to daily life! I can’t believe I didn’t know any of it until a year ago!
Flashpoint by Susan May Warren
This is the first book in a new series which released every month or so. I love that in it we return to the Jude County Hotshots! Several characters from her other series make appearances, too. As usual, it’s a race from start to finish with a satisfying romance and clear spiritual truth.
Flashover by Megan Besing
Book 2 in the Chasing Fire: Montana series and another great read. Which, of course, leaves you wanting more! Especially since there is a mystery thread running through the books!
Flashback by Michelle Sass Aleckson
Book 3—and they just don’t quit. (Note: this one isn’t available on Amazon until July 9, but it is available now at: https://sunrisepublishing.myshopify.com/products/flashback-ebook-chasing-fire-montana-book-3 Loved the romance and the next few pieces of the mystery! Books 4 and 5 will be out soon. Can’t wait!
Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate
Wow. This book is set in the Winding Stair Mountains in Oklahoma—and what a story! Even more amazing that so much of the historical storyline really happened! This story takes place before Killers of the Flower Moon but was the same type of thing already happening, but mostly with children. I’m so engrossed in the story that I am actually on the airplane with it today so I can finish the last bit—which should tell you something because it’s been years since I traveled with a physical book!
The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki
Wow. First, I actually knew a tiny bit about this woman, but I’d forgotten! I’ve visited her home (now a museum) in DC called Hillwood. It’s filled with artifacts from her fascinating life, especially from her time in Russia where she bought many relics of the old Russian monarchy. But I had no idea that she’d also built Mar-a-Lago, which I have been inside of as well (just once and briefly, but still!). And yet for all the amazing things in this wealthy woman’s life, her marriage history just made me sad. Four husbands and nary a good one. Books like this always remind me that life without Jesus, no matter how fabulous-looking on the outside, never leads to internal peace.
A Rugged Beauty by Lacy Williams
You’ll have to wait until October for this next installment of Wagon Train Matches, but it’s a good one, as they all have been. This is a good go-to 1800s Western historical romance series. You can always pre-order!
Where Hope Begins by Heidi Chiavaroli
This is the second book in The Orchard House Bed & Breakfast series. A good story, even if enjoyed the first one more. I will continue the series because the characters are extremely likeable and relateable.
Wyndcross by Martha Keyes
I confess, not my favorite Martha Keyes book, but it was still a decent read. I just prefer some of her others more, especially her Scottish series.
Prairie Tale by Melissa Gilbert
First, I have to apologize. I highlighted this as my current read in my newsletter before I realized the language content! Second, if you want to keep your memories of Melissa Gilbert as the embodiment of Laura Ingalls Wilder, don’t read this book! Truth is (and she says it!), she was a mess for a very long time, and I’ll be honest, she was still a mess after this book. But I found it interesting to know her family history and her relationship journey. But like Majorie Post, it made me a bit sad, too. Her story reminds me again that we live in a world where so many people need Jesus.
That’s it for June! Happy reading!