June has been an interesting reading month for me. It’s been a roller coaster ride from pure adrenaline romantic suspense to based-on-history historical fiction, memoir, and even a children’s book! Here’s the …
February reads
A little bitty month (even with a day extra!) but several great big reads—including 2 (yes, you read that right—2!) non-fiction books! Here you go. . .The Relentless Elimination of Hurry by David Mark ComerA fascinating and …
December Reads
December is usually a big reading month for me. The Christmas novels tend to be shorter and my time to read a little bit longer. So I’ve got a dozen titles to tell you about today! Once Upon a Winter WonderlandThese Deep …
Favorite Christmas Reads
While I do love a good Hallmark Christmas movie, I have to confess that I love reading Christmas-themed novels and novellas even more. I’ve read some great ones through the years, so I thought I’d spotlight a few in case you …
January Reads
Ah, January. Hunkering down on cold days and reading in front of the fire or cuddled up beneath the covers in bed. And some good books filled those warm reading times! (Be aware that not all of these are Christian …