You saw my list of favorite Christmas novels last week. Currently, I’m finishing up Cathy Gohlke’s Band of Sisters (Fabulous!) and making headway on Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (about 1/3 through).
I’m ready to dive into Christmas books new and old, but I’m curious about you. What have you been reading lately? Anything stunning I should know about?
I read Anna Karenina this summer. What in depth descriptions he gives his characters! Much more than we could do only “showing”, right?
Now I’m reading “John Brown’s Body.” I hadn’t read it since high school, but it’s still one of my favorites – an epic poem about the Civil War.
I haven’t read that in a long time either, Regina. Guess that’s the side benefit of teaching your kids–you get to re-read stuff from long ago!
So far I’m really enjoying AK. I read War and Peace years ago and just remember thinking “Wow!” when I closed the book. I’m hoping I feel the same about this one!
I took your advice and read Melanie Dickerson’s The Merchant’s Daughter with my young teen. We loved it! Jillian can’t wait to read the other two. I’m also reading Fearless by Max Lucado. Enjoying it too.
With the movie coming out, I considered Anna Karenina, but hesitated because of the length. I recently read Steven King’s 11/22/63 which is also long, and I honestly tired of the story before the end. I think I have a touch of attention deficit. 🙂 Let me know how you like it.
Yay! Melanie has a new one coming out soon. The cover is gorgeous! AK is long, which is always daunting, but I’m shocked that after only a few weeks I’m actually so far along. I won’t finish before I see the movie, but I hope to finish early in the new year. I do love reading a long classic at least once every year!