Finishing up revisions on Hidden Riches, due out in November, put a damper on my reading time this month. And the short month itself didn’t help matters. I’m currently in the middle of several books, but here are the few I …
January Reads
Ah, January. Hunkering down on cold days and reading in front of the fire or cuddled up beneath the covers in bed. And some good books filled those warm reading times! (Be aware that not all of these are Christian …
November Reads
With a Dec 1 deadline for my own book, my reading time hasn’t been as available this month. But I did already dive into a couple of Christmas novellas, which made me happy! And please forgive my minuscule reviews this month! …
Debut Novelist Kimberly Duffy
Today I'm giving my spot on Inspired by Life ... and Fiction to debut novelist Kimberly Duffy. Come on over and read the heart behind her fiction. And then maybe you'll want to go buy her book for …
February Reads
This month I tended to go back to authors I know and love. In fact, the only new-to-me authors this month were my non-fiction read, so let’s start there. Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi I think this is …
It’s Here!
Honestly, there were many days in the past 3 years when I wondered if I'd ever see another of my stories in published form. And now I know. No Small Storm, a historical romance novella, released quietly at the end of this …
Until the Dawn by Elizabeth Camden
There are many, many authors I enjoy reading, but there isn't the time to read every book they produce. But there are a few authors whose books I will not miss--even if I can't get to them until months (or sometimes years!) …
Like a Flower in Bloom by Siri Mitchell
I've loved every Siri Mitchell book I've read, so why it took me a year to get to Like a Flower in Bloom, I don't know. Except that the cover was . . . flowery. And I'm not really a flower or gardening girl. And it was about …
Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist
What better way to start off a new year than finishing a great book? I confess, it has been several years since I read a Deeanne Gist novel. Not that I haven't liked her stories in the past, but they've gotten crowded out of …