I’m currently researching the possibility of a project so I thought I'd pull back the curtain and let you see a bit of my process.I say possibility because as interesting as the history is, I’m not sure yet if I can make it …
Fire and Faith by Kristin Jack
Back in 2022, I “met” Kristin Jack when he hired me to edit his historical novel based on Sebastian Castellio’s friendship, and then theological war, with John Calvin. To be honest, it read more like a history book than a …
Have You Read Lacy Williams?
Last year I began an editing relationship with a writer I met years ago. Lacy Williams was traditionally published then later turned totally indie. If you enjoy Western romance—whether historical or contemporary, you should …
July Reads
I know I’m posting this a few days before the end of the month, but since I find myself currently reading five—yes, FIVE—books (and editing another), I know nothing else will get finished in the next few days. Besides that, I …
What I Discovered in this Writing Season
By the time you read this, I’ll be close to submitting the final edits of my final book in the Guideposts series Secrets from Grandma’s Attic. As I’m wrapping up this chapter (ha!) of my writing career, I’ve been looking back …
April Reads
This has been one of those months where I’ve been reading several books at once. And just when I felt like I wasn’t making any progress on any of them, I finished most of them! Part of the problem were that several were very …
March Reads
I feel like I’m little bit back to normal in my reading life, although I am currently making my way through 3 non-fiction books in between the fiction, so there’s that. But I’ve read some fun and interesting stuff this month, …
Don’t Overlook the Big Picture
This post originally appeared on the Lawson Writers Academy teacher's blog. I’ve been writing historical fiction for a long time, so you’d think by now I would have learned. But when I am at the beginning of a new project my …
February Reads
Finishing up revisions on Hidden Riches, due out in November, put a damper on my reading time this month. And the short month itself didn’t help matters. I’m currently in the middle of several books, but here are the few I …
January Reads
Ah, January. Hunkering down on cold days and reading in front of the fire or cuddled up beneath the covers in bed. And some good books filled those warm reading times! (Be aware that not all of these are Christian …