Welcome, Bonnie! Please start by introducing us to yourself and your family!
I am married, the mother of two grown children and grandmother to five of the greatest grandchildren on earth. Approximately 30 years or so ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who would become my daughter-in-law–you. You have brought so much to our family and we all love you.
Aw, thanks Bonnie. It’s been a joy to be part of your family. So tell us a little about yourself as a reader. Do you consider yourself a casual reader, a sporadic reader, a serious reader or an all-out bibliophile?
I cannot remember a time when I didn’t read. Even back in grade school, I always had a book tucked away somewhere to read. The first book that I remember was Gabrielle, about a young ballerina. Sorry, but I don’t remember the author’s name. I think I was in 4th or 5th grade at the time.
What do you most enjoy reading now?
This is a difficult one. I think it would be easier to just say that I do not like paranormal, fantasy or science fiction. Every other genre is fair game. Some of my favorite authors are James Patterson, WEB Griffin, Danielle Steele, Nora Roberts and of course, Anne Mateer
Lol! Those are some pretty heavy-hitters you’ve grouped me with! 🙂 What is the last book you finished and what are you currently reading?
Since I purchased my Kindle, I’ve been downloading the free books each day that interest me. I am currently reading All’s Fair in Love and War by Beverly Kendall and Saturday I finished Waiting for Rachael by Kimberly Rae Jordan.
I love finding new authors through free books, too. Do you have a favorite time and/or place to read?
I never miss reading before going to sleep at night. I start with my Bible and then switch to whatever I’m reading at the time and read until my eyes won’t stay open any longer. One of the perks of being retired, I don’t have to get up at any particular time.
Ah, the luxury of getting to read until your eyes close! So what is the most unusual circumstance in which you’ve been found reading?
I guess this would just continue with question five–I’ll read until I can’t hold my eyes open any longer, so if the plot’s good I can be found reading at 5:00 AM.
Do you read physical books, ebooks, or both?
I was one of the later converts to ebooks. I wanted to “hold” my books and “own” them. I do both, but mostly they are ebooks now. With the Kindle deals out there, you cannot beat the price and it’s so easy to find genres that I’m interested in and eliminate those I’m not.
Any book, any format, right? Do you buy your books, borrow them from friends or check them out of the library? (Or all of the above!)
Buy or borrow from friends. I don’t remember the last time I checked a book out of the Library.
Do you have any favorite foods or drinks that generally accompany your reading?
Not really, I’ve found pretty much any food goes with reading.
Well, yes. Finally, it’s true confessions time: have you ever forgotten something important (to fix dinner or that dinner was in the oven or an appointment, etc) because you were lost in the pages of a book?
Absolutely–and if anyone answers no to this question, well I’d have to question that.
Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of yourself with us today, Bonnie. I’m sure everyone else enjoyed getting to know you, too!
Happy Reading, Y’all!
Melanie Backus
Hi Anne! I so enjoyed hearing from your mother-in-law. Thank you for the enjoyable interview! Melanie
You are welcome, Melanie! It was fun to introduce her to y’all!
So nice to meet your mother in law. And how great is it that she likes to read. Hi Bonnie!
Anne Mateer
Yes, Becky. I have a mother and a mother-in-law who read! Very blessed!
A.M. Heath
It was nice meeting your mother in law. 🙂 And that was a great idea for a blog post!
Anne Mateer
Thank you! I have tons of these reader interviews if you go back through the archives. Always looking for more! 🙂
A.M. Heath
Neat! I’ll have to give it a look. 🙂
Bonnie Wilt
Thank you everyone and don’t miss Playing For Keeps coming out in September. I know I’m anxious to read it, how about you?