I hate cooking dinner. I hate it more than cleaning house and doing laundry. I hate going to the grocery store because it is related to cooking dinner. But lately I haven’t minded so much. Why? Pinterest!
I’ve tried to figure out why Pinterest has helped to temper my hatred of cooking dinner when an abundance of cookbooks or websites have not. I think it comes down to the fickle nature of my appetite and the visual presentation of Pinterest. You see, I don’t like to plan ahead for dinner. When I’ve tried to make weekly meal plans, I end up scraping them because whatever I had listed for that day, I suddenly didn’t want to eat. But what did I want? I had no idea. Cookbooks, and even cooking websites, are not ideal for the browser. In those places I need to at least know if I want chicken or beef or fish or pasta. And honestly, I can’t always say.
Enter Pinterest. I can scroll through pictures of everything from baked goods to desserts to salads and soups to main and side dishes. When one catches my eyes, I can pin it to my board. If I click the pin, I can reach the website which gives me the recipe. (Sometimes I do this before I pin it to see how much trouble it is to make before I choose to pin it!) When I reach a recipe that appears to be good and easy, I can clip it to Evernote. Then I can carry it to the grocery store or into the kitchen on my phone. And poof! Suddenly dinner isn’t so daunting anymore.
I’ve made some great, easy recipes off of my Pinterest food board. I try to go back and comment on things I’ve made, so I’ll remember. And I’ve deleted a few things we haven’t cared for, so that I don’t forget and try to make them again!
I love that with my Pinterest food board I don’t forget things I’ve run across earlier and that I can see the dish made. Oh, and one other benefit? Pinning yummy desserts doesn’t pack on the pounds! Most of the time just pinning them there satisfies me because I know I can get back to it if I get desperate, but I usually don’t bother. Much better for my waistline in the long run. Who knew that a social media site could actually enhance my life?
If you are in the “I hate to cook dinner” club like me, come on over and check out my food board on Pinterest. (You can find my by clicking the red circle with the P in it at the top of the sidebar.) I have several others boards, too. None quite as practical as my food board, but all just as fun.
I love the pictures. In fact, I don’t like recipes that are posted with no pictures. Where’s the fun in that?
I agree! Besides, I’m so bad at cooking that if I don’t have a picture of how it is *supposed* to turn out, I’m in real trouble!