Ever get overwhelmed at the beginning of a project? I'm there right now! Today I'm over on Inspired by Life ... and Fiction sharing 4 things that help me get moving toward my goal. Come find out what …
Mystery Post
I’m over on Inspired by Life ... and Fiction today. Why “mystery post”? Because until I wrote it, it was a mystery to me what I would write! If you are curious, come on over! …
Summer Days
For the first time in a long while, I'm excited about summer! If you want to know why, click over to read my post on Inspired by Life ... and Fiction! …
Fifteen Focused Minutes
I'm a little hard-headed. I'll admit that. Sometimes I hear wisdom and it takes a while for it to penetrate my thick skull and seep down into my heart, the part of me that will actually at least try to put wisdom into …
The Productive Woman podcast
Many people I know listen to podcasts. Including my husband. But I've been slow to jump on board. Maybe it's because listening alone is not my best learning mode. (I've had a hard time with audio books.) Maybe it's because I …
When All Projects Converge
I try to be very careful about the projects I take on, whether in life or writing. But sometimes even the things I know I am to do all converge with deadlines at the same time. Such is this month, but particularly this week! …
When Life Saps Creativity
It's been a rough few months at our house. And honestly, I feel bad even saying that. We haven't faced any truly life and death issues, and yet in so many areas my world has been upended. I still feel as if I am tumbling …
My Favorite Apps
I'm all about streamlining my life and making things easier. In a continuing effort to do just that, I thought I'd share with you a few of the apps I use every single day, whether on my computer, phone or tablet. 1. …
I ended 2013 the way I have ended the past few years: obsessing over productivity. I found myself frantic to squeeze out a few more hours of "work" time from my schedule, though I didn't really know where they would come …
A Frenzy and A Funk
Hello my dear blog friends! I want to apologize for my absence lately. To be honest, I've spent the past month in a frenzy and a funk. Yes, those two things might seem incongruous, but both are completely accurate …