With all that is on my plate these days, there is a tendency to leave off or shorten time spent in quiet communication with God. But this quote reminds me that giving God my time in prayer is of itself an act the exercises faith, for God knows how many hours are in my day and exactly what needs to be done. Do I trust Him enough to take time to pray?
In: Faith, Life, Uncategorized
Wendy Paine Miller
He’s teaching me so much about this right now.
I learned some about this when I participated in Moms in Prayer for so many years–when I spent an hour a week with other moms praying for our kids and our school rather than using that hour to “volunteer.” But it is taking on a whole new meaning when my days are more “my own.”
Melissa Tagg
That is awesome. Time spent with God is never wasted, for sure…it’s really the most productive way to spend time, isn’t it. 🙂
Definitely. I just forget that sometimes. 🙂