I had dinner with the lovely Becky Wade on Friday night. We have such a unique relationship. Not only do we both live in the Dallas area and write for Bethany House, but Becky has known my brother and sister-in-law for over ten years–long before she and I met! Isn’t that wild? I very much enjoy the rare opportunities we have to visit with one another.
Have your read her contemporary romance, My Stubborn Heart? Even though traditional romance–and contemporary at that!–is not my go-to genre for reading, I devoured her book. Great characters. Great story. (And a great deal at Amazon right now–$5.60 for the paperback!)
Anyway, her new book, Undeniably Yours, releases May 1 and looks to be just as good. Want proof? Here’s a great book trailer, shot on location at the same time as the cover photo shoot and featuring a real life husband and wife as the main characters.
I love that book trailer! And I’m actually re-reading My Stubborn Heart right now. I read it when it first came out last year, but I had the urge to re-read it and learn from it a couple weeks ago. Loving it just as much the second time through!
I imagine so! It was so good that I’m eagerly anticipating Undeniably Yours!