Last year I was on the hunt for a new “to do” app. What I had was simple and free but wasn’t really working for me. I had an unwieldy to do list. I couldn’t seem to get both work and life tasks done. I knew I needed a more powerful organizational system, but didn’t know what to do. After some searches on the internet, I learned about the GTD method, which made sense to me–breaking down projects into tasks. Then I discovered Nozbe, a web/desktop/mobile app based on that system. It was pricey, but I took the plunge.
Fast forward a year. Time to renew. I’d been happy with Nozbe, but wondered if I could find something cheaper and continue on. So that’s what I did. Only it wasn’t quite the same. I resigned myself to it anyway. At least until my husband started using Nozbe at work and bought David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done.
I read the book and at my husband’s encouragement once again paid for Nozbe. I couldn’t be happier! My productivity has gone up, my stress level down.Then the other day I heard about Nozbe founder Michael Sliwinski’s 10 part productivity course. I watched each of the 5 minute videos, which encapsulated the GTD method as well as providing insight into how Nozbe accomodates this system. I loved it! I even learned a couple of news ways I could use Nozbe to further streamline my system of work.
If you’ve ever had questions about the Getting Things Done (GTD) system, I encourage you to click here to watch these videos. They are a quick way to get an overview of the system and start taming your to do list. And you might even end up a Nozbe user too!
Laura McClellan
I’ve heard good things about Nozbe. Among others, I think Michael Hyatt uses it. I’ve been a GTD fan ever since I read the book . . . I don’t know, maybe 10 years ago? I use OmniFocus to implement my own version of Getting Things Done. 🙂
I love the GTD system, whatever the app you use to implement it. I am so glad my husband got on board because it helps when we are doing the same thing! 🙂
Melissa Tagg
OOH! I’ve heard about this before, but haven’t tried it. I really need to look into it, though, because my to-do/organizational skills have spiraled downhill lately…I know it was partially the deadline breathing down my neck, but still, I need something to get me organized. Thanks for the idea!
You should at least learn about the GTD system, Melissa. It really makes sense. These videos help with that. There are lots of good GTD based apps that help, I just happen to like Nozbe. 🙂
I would recommend checking out Gtdagenda for an online GTD manager.
You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, and a calendar.
Syncs with Evernote, and also comes with mobile-web version, and Android and iPhone apps.