We spent the better part of the past weekend with our daughter in Louisiana. Although she will not graduate until December, this was her final Phi Mu Carnation Ball (her sorority formal) as an active member. Last year we came to the formal (parents are invited for the dinner and awards then “dismissed” before the real party!) and loved watching our girl help run the show in her role as Vice-President and receive the Outstanding Active Award. This year was even more amazing. We got to see her function in the role of President and I could see some new poise that hadn’t been there a year ago. And then of course what a joy to hear her name called as the winner of the Sisterhood Award for this past year.
Did I mentioned she looked beautiful, too? We had a great evening, but more than that, we had a great few days visiting with our girl and enjoying the young woman she has become. What a blessings it is to see how God has chiseled my impulsive tomboy into a confident and strong young lady.
Congrats to you and your daughter! How special!
Thanks, Marie! These kinds of “mom” moments are quickly fading, so it was very fun to be there to celebrate with her.
Congratulations! You’re daughter is beautiful. I know you’re proud of her. God bless you and your family.
Thanks, Marbeth! Yes, we are proud, but mostly so very grateful to the Lord for what He has done in her. He is the reason for all that she is. We continue to stand in amazement at how He continues to redeem all our parenting mistakes!
Beautiful! Don’t you love to watch them blossom? Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Hugs, my friend.
I do! It’s the most fun of parenting–at least for me. 🙂 Hugs right back to you!
Seeing her so grown up brings tears to my eyes. She truly is a young lady now. Love her so much and can’t wait to see her at the end of the month.
We can’t wait to see you, too! Yes, she has really grown up.
So glad you had that time together. I bet you’re an amazing mom!!!
Amazing mom? Lol! I’m a stumbling mom who is very thankful for the grace of God! He has done amazing things in my kids in spite of my bumbling! 🙂
She did look beautiful and she’s been an amazing girl all of her life. I see your humble remarks about your parenting skills but I beg to differ. You and Jeff have three young adults that you have raised to be respectful, caring, loving, productive and Christian citizens. That did not happen by accident. I will admit that the Lord stood with you during those years to guide you but you and Jeff followed. You should both be very proud of all three of them. Love you.
Thank you, Aunt Sheri. If we did anything right it was to keep praying and praying and praying. We are very proud of all our kids. They are amazing blessings!