So sorry if you missed me last week. It’s been crazy trying to get my house packed up and staged and get my daughter moved, too. Posts could be sporadic even through the middle of August, when we have to move our youngest into his apartment at college. Can’t believe he’s a senior!
Meditate on this verse this week in whatever way works best for you. (See this post for a few suggestions.) Then come back to this post and leave a comment telling us what you learned from it. I’ll do the same. See you then!
It struck me, as I’ve thought on this verse, that our reaping doesn’t apply to those to whom we do good but the reaping applies to US. In fact, I went back and read the verses preceding this one and came to the conclusion that the reaping of doing good is eternal life and not necessarily the situation or person into which I am pouring good. The surety of eternal life allows me to do good in spite of my weariness. I’m so grateful the Lord gives us this kind of encouragement in His word!