For the first time in many years I am excited about researching for a novel of my own design. It combines several of my loves of place and time period. It’s more a family relationship story (at least in my mind at this moment) than a romance. It’s been fun to delve into places old and new, take a deeper look at people and places I’ve only known about in general.
A bit vague, you say? Well, yes. Because at this moment the story is all a bit vague to me, too. My research keeps taking me down rabbit trails—which is usually the best way to find unique story elements!
I don’t know what will happen with this seed of an idea. Will I find a traditional publisher again? Will I publish it myself? Will it even get written? I do not have any answers. I just know this is one of those ideas I want to pursue, no matter how long it takes to get there. It’s the same feeling I had when writing all my novels before I got published. A feeling that this is the direction in which I feel the Holy Spirit nudging in this moment in time.
It can’t be all-consuming. Too many editing jobs on the horizon for that. But it provides a creative outlet between working on other people’s stories. And for that, I am grateful.
Do you have a creative outlet between your work times (even if that work is keeping your house and raising your kids)? Tell us about it and how it sustains you in your work.