The ACFW Conference is always a highlight of my year. I love getting to see and hug and take pictures of and visit with other writers that I don’t get to see very often. But most of all, I love the conversations and connections that God himself orchestrates.
This year was no exception. Relationships were established or deepened. Or both. But what amazed me most was God’s answer to my prayer.
In the weeks leading up to conference, I was stressed. Majorly. But as I prayed each day through my rotating prayer list, one thing that I’ve been praying for my own heart stood out: learn to serve. So I began to pray that the Lord would not just teach me to serve, but open my eyes to see where I could serve. Little ways or big. Doing something, saying something or just listening, I asked the Lord to allow me to serve someone else during the four day conference.
Two amazing things happened. First, He answered my prayer to serve and bless others far and above my expectation. But He didn’t leave it there. Instead of just allowing me to meet another’s need, He showered encouragement on me from all sides! As I drove home on Sunday, the extravagant generosity of our God overwhelmed me. He not only answered my prayer, He gave me more than I’d asked for.
When in your life have you asked something of God and He demonstrated extravagant generosity in His answer?
I loved this post, Anne, and the fact that I got to meet you at ACFW. Yay!
I feel like this summer has been a time of God answering my prayers in an incredibly extravagant way. And my conference experience, too, was a similar experience of asking God to help me be a blessing…and then being blessed myself. One of my favorite moments of the conference was waiting outside the pitching area as a friend pitched her book. We’d prayed beforehand, but as I sat there, I started thinking maybe God wanted me to pray for someone else. I looked for a familiar face…and found one. Within a few minutes, several others joined the group and we were able to pray all together. It was such a cool moment of knowing God meant for each one of us to be there…praying together…yay God!
I know what you mean, Melissa. I continue to be humbled and amazed at all God has done and is doing. Even in the hard parts, He lavishes such extravagant grace!
So happy we got to meet! Look forward to getting to know you better in the coming years! 🙂
It was a great conference! For the first time I didn’t volunteer to do any jobs. I prayed that I would just be present for others – the stranger who looked overwhelmed or a friend who needed encouragement. God answered above and beyond. And blessed me with sweet fellowship with so many that I couldn’t keep track. I love the on-the-spot prayer meeting you had! Thanks for sharing.
And sometimes just being available is the best “volunteering” we can do! So glad you connected with so many–including with me! 🙂