This year I’ve been reading two Watchman Nee devotional books. I mentioned these to my friend recently, explaining that I had picked them up when in my Watchman Nee phase. (i.e. I raced through several of his books in a row.)
“Ah, yes,” she replied. “Haven’t we all had a Watchman Nee phase?”
I agreed in the moment, but as I thought about it later I realized that Watchman Nee is not a name I’ve heard much in recent years. If you don’t know anything about Watchman Nee, click here for a quick bio. But to whet your appetite for the wisdom of the man, here are a few of though provoking statements I’ve run across so far this year. (These are all from A Table in the Wilderness.)
I especially love this last one, because it is almost exactly what I read in my Beth Moore Bible study workbook this week. (I’m doing her study on James.)
One of my best Wachman New quote is ““Never adopt an attitude of indifference, for if you do you will suffer for it. The weight will grow heavier and heavier.”
Good read, thanks for sharing.
I like that one. Thanks for sharing!