No, not the countdown to my book release, although that is coming. The countdown that excites me right now is the countdown to the first day of school!
Three weeks from today, all three of my kids will traipse off to their first day of classes, which is quite a feat considering that they attend three different schools in three different states! Of course, only one will be leaving from my house and coming home to my house, but even just that one imposes the structure of school on my day. And I need that. Especially after summer where kids have been coming and going with always-changing work schedules. I like each week to be the same–or at least similar. And so I’m counting down to schedule. To structure. To familiar rhythm. And I won’t think about what I will do next year when I drop that last child off at college and the school day no longer applies in my house.
How about you? Do you prefer the structure of the school year or the carefree days of summer?
Jana @Grace for My Mess
I’m right there with you — give me my school-year routine! I enjoy knowing what to expect from my day. Only one left at home this year for us both, although in a much different way. Looking forward to a productive fall!
Yay for routine! I can’t wait! Of course, after this year, that will all go away. Not sure how I’ll deal with an unending stretch of structureless day–or rather, days where I have to be the one to impose the structure!