In spite of the hopeful nature of my previous post, in general I am an anxious person. I stress over things way beyond my control. It’s something the Lord and I have been working on for many years. So when Coronavirus hit the …
At the Cross (Love Ran Red) by Chris Tomlin
Do you ever get a worship tune stuck in your head? I mean you wake up singing it. You go to bed singing it. You find the words your companion through your menial tasks of the day. This actually happens to me quite a bit. But …
Waiting Here for You — Christy Nockels
This song runs through my head a lot these days as I wait on the Lord. I want to wait not with a focus on myself--my wants or my needs--but with my hands lifted high in praise to my God. …
Considering the Cross
Considering the cross today: Being sweetly broken, wholly surrendered by the experience of God's amazing grace. …
Watering the Mustard Seed
I've been thinking a lot about faith lately. It started in my Bible reading, of course. And then it has been an ongoing discussion with one of my prayer partners, who also writes and leads Bible studies. I even started a …
For Glory and For Beauty
I don't know how many times I read through the book of Exodus as we all do, skimming the eye-crossing details of the tabernacle, the things that don't quite make sense to us in our day and age and culture. Or jumping from …
Sacrifices–With Joy
Ever have a phrase jump out at you from Scripture? Not even a whole verse, but more than one word? I was reading along in Psalm 27, a psalm I've read so very many times, when a phrase from verse 6 leapt off the …
Restored (The Grindstone Song) by Cheri Keaggy
I heard Cheri Keaggy sing this song at a conference a few years ago. I immediately bought it. Every time I listen to it, it encourages me. For who of us hasn't been in this place--"living against the grindstone, where nothing …
The Most Dangerous Song on My Phone
Yes, I'm one of "those" drivers. When I'm alone, I stave off the stress of traffic by cranking up the music and singing loud. Most of the time it's a harmless past time, helping me navigate the other cars and keep my own …