Yes, it’s a bit early but I’m at the beginning of several books and won’t get any of them finished until at least the 31st, so I thought I’d go ahead and post now. I assumed I’d had a slow reading month because I’ve been so …
May reads
I’m warning you upfront: this is a long post! But don’t be too impressed. May is a long month and here at the end, I had a daytime stretch of 16 hours with no power, so I read. What else are you going to do? So …
March reads
I think I’ve said this every month so far in 2024, but I have no idea how I read so many books! Granted, one was a short story, but still. So we’d better get started. A Heart Sufficient by Nichole VanWhat a satisfying …
Nov reads
It’s been a month, to say the least! Long days working to move back into our house have left me almost too tired to read—which is saying a lot! But I managed to get some books finished. And it’s been so fun to start reading …
It’s Almost Christmas Reading Time
Every year I look forward to November and December, when my reading takes on a seasonal theme. I used to just read Christmas-themed books in December. Then I moved to “after Thanksgiving Day.” Now, I give myself two entire …
June Reads
It’s been a month of chaos—the busy kind where I can only read in snippets. Which drives me crazy! Audio books have been a huge blessing this month. So let’s start with audio. This month I listened to: The Lady’s …
December Reads
As you can see, my reading time jumped back up once my own book was turned in! Of course some of these are novellas, so much shorter than a novel. However, some are novella collections, which can be longer than a novel! So I …