Sunday Psalm Contest Winner
And . . . It's a tie! (Because I obviously didn't think through the fact that I can't always see the "likes" on the "shares." But they both ended up with 17 likes on my page, so all around I decided the only solution was for …
A Sunday Psalm Contest Entry #2
Those of you who subscribe to my newsletter know that my latest "newsletter subscriber only" contest was to make a Sunday Psalm pin to be featured on my blog and Facebook page. The subscriber's pin who receives the most Likes …
A Sunday Psalm Contest Entry #1
Those of you who subscribe to my newsletter know that my latest "newsletter subscriber only" contest was to make a Sunday Psalm pin to be featured on my blog and Facebook page. The subscriber's pin who receives the most Likes …
A Sunday Psalm
A Sunday Psalm
A Sunday Psalm
I hope you've enjoyed this journey through Psalm 71--and maybe even been inspired to commit it to memory, as I have. …