It’s been a month of travel—including a long road trip that involved audiobooks! Therefore, we have many books to talk about, although, truth be told, half a dozen were shorter than a full-length book. Here we go!Let’s start …
May reads
I’m warning you upfront: this is a long post! But don’t be too impressed. May is a long month and here at the end, I had a daytime stretch of 16 hours with no power, so I read. What else are you going to do? So …
December Reads
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! We did. I loved the family and the food—and some time to read! So buckle up, because I finished quite a few!Star of Wonder by Angela HuntThis was a 25-day advent devotional that …
May Reads
A slower reading month due to all the upheaval at our house. Which, by the way, is—and has been!—at a standstill. Continuing to wait on insurance . . . Anyway, I still managed some reading time in between waiting for …
Books I’ve Pre-Ordered
I don’t pre-order a ton of books—partly because I have so many sitting around still to be read and partly because it’s hard to log that money as spent until it is, and then it can catch me short on my book budget! Still, …
October Reads
I can’t believe we are at the end of October! Of course I knew October would be a busy month with lots of travel and editing jobs. And in all of it, I never expected to get so many books read! But when they are good ones, you …
May Reads
I know this is a few days earlier than normal, but since I just began reading a couple of new books and know I won’t be finished with them by May 31, I thought this was as good a time as any to share my May Reads!And let me …