It’s a question I began thinking about the other day as I realized the days had grown longer (and thus, busier) and the weather had grown hotter.
Which season do I like best for reading? Summer or winter?
I mean, we hear about reading a lot in the summer. Books are touted as “beach reads.” People are on flights or in cars traveling to vacation destinations, often with a book in hand. But do people really enjoy reading more in the summer?
I’m curious. Do you?
As I’ve pondered this question, I’ve keep going to back to winter reading. The days are shorter, the evening hours not quite as busy as in summertime. I love getting cozy with a blanket or a fire in the fireplace and opening my book. For me, the long, dark nights are made for getting lost in a story.
Don’t get me wrong. I love reading in any season. But something settles over me when the sun goes down earlier and the air holds a chill that causes me to desire the company of my books in a different way.
Do you get that feeling too, or is it just me?
As I followed this train of thought it also occurred to me to wonder if people read differently in summer vs. winter. Are there certain kinds of books you gravitate to during a specific season?
I read more novellas in the winter because so many authors put out their Christmas stories in this format. This also means I read a lot of romance (i.e. Hallmark movies in book form!). Not that I don’t read romances in the summer, too, but something about the summer and its brightness allows me to tackle longer fiction or novels about weightier subjects. No stats to back that up, just the impression I get as I think through my reading habits.
So what about you? Maybe you’ve never thought about this question before, or maybe you consciously have reading rhythms that conform to the seasons. I’d love to hear your thoughts!