Welcome, Deborah! Please start by introducing us to yourself and your family.
I am the eldest of five in my family, and from the age we could hold a book, we have been reading. Our favorite place to read was in the bathroom, and we would sit in there for hours devouring books and hiding them underneath the sink to avoid getting caught. The one good thing to come out of this experience is that we learned how to read really fast – before Mom came knocking.
I love that! I was a “sneaky” reader as a child, too. I’d sit at the door of my bedroom after I was supposed to be in bed and by the light left on in the hall bathroom. So you came to identify yourself as a “reader” very early in life.
Yes. Despite my propensity to mix words up as a child, I determined very early on that I would not allow it to stand in my way of adventure. I am crazy about reading. I’m so bad I’ve even mastered reading while driving – stop lights, train tracks, school zones, etc. I read my first Gilbert Morris novel at five years old, and by the age of ten had read all the books at the local Christian library.
Wow! What an amazing accomplishment! And I confess, I’ve read at stop lights, etc while driving. 🙂 What do you most enjoy reading now?
While I am a sucker for historical novels, lately I have come to enjoy medical and crime dramas. I love the Biblical genre, and who doesn’t love Amish fiction? My favorite authors are too many to list, as I fall in love with almost every book I read!
I understand that! There are so many good authors and good genres out there. What is the last book you finished and what are you currently reading?
The last book I finished was Reign by Ginger Garrett, and right now I’m halfway through Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury.
Two wonderful authors. Do you have a favorite time and place to read?
I read anywhere, anytime. I’ve even got a pair of pink ear muffs I use so I can have complete peace and quiet.
How cute–and clever! What is the most unusual circumstance/place in which you’ve been found reading?
I wish I had a great story to relate, but other than the bathroom as a child and reading while behind the wheel, I’ve got nothing. So far I haven’t been caught by a police officer while driving, and up until this point, my mom doesn’t know a thing about the bathroom.
Lol! I guess you secret is out now, Deborah. Do you read physical books, ebooks, or both?
I have e-books, but nothing beats having that physical copy in my hands. I use the e-book option for novellas not available in print.
Do you buy your books, borrow them from friends or check them out of the library? (Or all of the above!)
In my younger years, borrowing from the library was my only option. But ever since I discovered buying books online – the rest is history.
I know! It’s so easy. Just click and the book is one its way. Oh, my poor budget! Do you have any favorite foods or drinks that generally accompany your reading?
If a meal will interrupt my reading in any way, I just don’t eat. Let’s just say my husband makes dinner a lot.
Well, it sounds like you’ve got a good man. Finally, it’s true confessions time: have you ever forgotten something important (to fix dinner or that dinner was in the oven or an appointment, etc) because you were lost in the pages of a book?
Too many times to count!! I’ve literally had to surround myself with timers and phone notifications, because the first thing on my mind in the morning is reading! I rarely know what day of the week it is until my alarm rings, reminding me the real world awaits…
Readers like you definitely make an author’s heart sing! Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of yourself with us today, Deborah.
Happy Reading, Y’all!
Britney Adams
I enjoyed meeting another reader today. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself, Deborah! Hope you are enjoying a great book right this minute! 🙂
Deborah Wilson
I read all three of Anne’s books on lazy Saturday afternoons. So whenever I want to re-capture that feeling – I read them again! She didn’t pay me to say this, but I have such happy memories of the three Saturday afternoons I spent reading her novels that I do it almost every weekend. I am most CERTAINLY enjoying a GREAT BOOK right this minute. 🙂
You sweet thing! Bless you.
Wonderful interview. I love meeting other readers and learning I’m not so different after all. Did you enjoy 15 Minutes? I loved it.
Deborah Wilson
I did love Fifteen Minutes! Glad you did too.
I was quite amused to find out that Anne has been naughty at stop lights too…we’re not all that different after all!!
Ha! I’ve wished I could do audio books, but I just can’t. So sometimes you just have to peek at another page–even at red lights! 🙂
Deborah Wilson
I have and I do! If traffic is moving too slow and we’re stuck at a light, I just reach over and continue where I left off. Thank goodness for a photographic memory, so all I have to do is quickly scan the page and continue reading in my mind’s eye as I continue driving!
Melanie Backus
Another great reader than enjoys reading a great author……thank you Miss Anne for introducing us to Deborah. I love meeting reader friends and this girl knows a good book when she sees one. Blessings to you both and happy reading and writing.