I try to catch time
To hold it
To make it bend to my will.
Instead the days race by
Hours fleeing
Minutes flying.
In the chaos I’m caught between
Wanting time to stand still and
Wanting to jump over calendar squares.
People come before work
Yet deadlines loom.
Houses don’t clean themselves.
Families have to eat.
And so I pray:
Multiply the moments.
Help me discipline my days.
In that plea I must rest
Believing the Maker of Time hears my cry
And answers.
In His time
Not mine.
Patti Lacy
Oh, Anne, BEAUTIFUL!!!
His time…
"This is a hard teaching."
(Love it when the disciples said that to Jesus!!)
Blessings, dear one.
Debra E. Marvin
That is just beautiful.
So true!
thanks Anne!
Anne Mateer
Thanks, y'all. It's only every decade or so that a poem just pops out. It was kind of scary to throw it out there to the big, wide world!