This past weekend–Easter weekend–was truly the start of our race to the finish. And no, I’m not taking about graduation. I’m talking finish, moving the last child into his dorm room in August. Because between now and then, it’s unadulterated chaos. Want a sampling?
April–third spring break week, cap and gown pictures, major bathroom remodel begins, school fundraiser gala/auction, Peter and the Wolf piano performance (without one thumb), prom, physical therapy begins on son’s thumb, National Honor Society ceremony, and possibly galleys for book #3.
May–physical therapy continues, turn in book #4, bathroom redo finishes, travel to last sorority banquet, college son move home, sports awards, senior awards, senior piano recital, family home from mission field, in-laws in town, graduation, graduation family party.
June–make marketing plans for book #3 and travel plans for fall, kids home from college working and taking classes, parents 50th anniversary trip, college orientation and registration, edits on book #4.
July–son to mission trip and college camp as well as continuing work and school for boys and trip with parents.
August–son move back to college, move last son into first dorm room.
Whew! I’m tired just thinking through it all! My goal, though, is not to look too far ahead. I want to live in every moment. I’ll have plenty of time to rest up when we return home from that trip to last son’s college in August, just the two of us, with no one’s schedule to consider but our own.