It’s been a month of travel—including a long road trip that involved audiobooks! Therefore, we have many books to talk about, although, truth be told, half a dozen were shorter than a full-length book. Here we go!Let’s start …
May reads
I’m warning you upfront: this is a long post! But don’t be too impressed. May is a long month and here at the end, I had a daytime stretch of 16 hours with no power, so I read. What else are you going to do? So …
July Reads
I know I’m posting this a few days before the end of the month, but since I find myself currently reading five—yes, FIVE—books (and editing another), I know nothing else will get finished in the next few days. Besides that, I …
April Reads
What in the world? A ridiculous number of books read this month. Of course it was also a month of travel, houseguests, and lots of large groups of people—all of which send me reading into the late hours of the night to …
November Reads
It’s been a month, to say the least. But the silver lining of all the unexpected travel to Pennsylvania and the long holiday weekend has been reading time. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around Christmas reading during the …
October Reads
I can’t believe we are at the end of October! Of course I knew October would be a busy month with lots of travel and editing jobs. And in all of it, I never expected to get so many books read! But when they are good ones, you …