1. Lula and Chet both have to make a choice between doing the thing they want to be doing and
being there for the people they love. When have you been in a position to make such a
choice? What did you choose? How did the situation work out?
2. Lula denies one part of who God created her to be in forsaking her music in order to
concentrate on another strength God gifted her with—understanding numbers. Have you ever
felt like you had to choose between two things that are both “you” but that don’t seem
congruous with one another? Did you choose to accentuate one thing and deny the other or
did you find balance between the two? Share your story.
3. Part of what Lula and Chet each deal with in their family situations rises out of their birth
order. Where are you in the birth order of your family of origin? Does your “place” in the
family give rise to some issues you have had to deal with in your own life? Explain.
4. Chet tells Blaze he has to be willing to stand firm on his convictions even if no one else
understands, as he has done over his decision not to enlist in the army. How is that different
from stubbornness? Have you ever had to stand firm in something that was a strong
conviction of your heart but which others didn’t agree with? How did you deal with that
conflict? How did others deal with your decision?
5. Lula learns to appreciate the game of basketball although her initial reaction was disdain.
What do you feel was the most significant reason for her change of heart? Have you ever
found yourself in a situation where you must do something you dislike but you came to at
least respect those who enjoy the activity? Share the experience.
6. Chet makes a “heat of the moment,” completely emotional decision that seems to be the
opposite of all he has stood for. What do you think was the driving force in that action? To
hurt his mother? To please her? To escape? To revenge Clay? Have you ever found yourself
doing the exact opposite of some long-held conviction? What influenced the change? How
did you respond afterward?
7. Lula and Chet both respond to the younger people around them who are struggling—Blaze,
Nannie, JC. Is there someone in your life of a younger generation that would benefit from
your life experience? How are you pursuing that relationship—or are you?
8. On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand becomes a significant truth in Lula’s life. Listen to or watch
a rendition of that song and consider the words. Is Christ truly your solid rock in the midst of
life’s storms or do you trust in something or someone else? What spiritual disciplines or
activities keep you on the rock and out of the sinking sand?
9. Principal Gray understands Chet and Lula but is forced to proceed by the letter of the law, not
the spirit of the law. Have you ever been on either side of such a situation? How did you
reconcile it? Did the Lord work things out in a way you didn’t expect?
10. What historical facts surprised you from this time period?